In-Depth Bible Study

If you like to learn by doing, my verse-by-verse Matthew Study, hosted on Patreon, may be just right for you.

The study of the book of Matthew begins with a set of lessons (Course 1) dedicated to properly contextualizing the book of Matthew’s setting, author, historical backdrop, intended audience, and more.

.To understand the Bible, we must do our best to understand the world view of its writers, subjects, and events. The Matthew study will teach you tons of historical, social, and other contextual information, while also sharing about the different ways scholars interpret and understand parts of the text. Equipped with the contextual data and input from top scholars, the lessons then slowly give you the tools you need to consider and engage with the text’s wisdom on your own.

I’m not here to tell you what to think. 

The subsequent courses dive into the scriptures, and lessons continue with verse-by-verse study of the text with all the scholarship, data, history, and contextualizing concepts I can pack in to each passage.  

Thanks the flexibility of Patreon, you can purchase individual lessons, buy courses one-at-a-time, or join as a subscribing member with complete access to all materials all the time. (Pro tip: if you live in an iOS ecosystem, complete your purchases directly through the Patreon website. iOS adds a hefty service fee!)

The study format requires no-preparation and no homework. There are video and audio versions of the lessons, which Patreon allows you to access through your preferred Podcasting app if you’d like.

For subscribed members and those purchasing an entire course, each lesson also comes with access to a meditation prompt as well as a copy of my teaching outline, which is fully annotated with attribution references throughout.

If you’re already studying with the deep-dive lessons, more info can be found at this FAQ page for any with questions on navigating the lesson hub itself.

Image below is a preview of the in-depth study materials as they appears on Patreon

Pictured is a zoomed out preview of the screen one would see if logging into Patreon to view the in-depth lessons


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