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Below are some tools I’ve created over the years. They’ll equip you to make informed choices and explore the Bible with curiosity on your own. If you’re not sure where to start, the Bible Translations Toolkit is pure gold if I do say so myself.

This is a solid navy blue back grand with a green square. Inside the green square, it says the title of this page: Bible Translations Tool Kit
This is a solid navy blue back grand with a green square. Inside the green square, it says the title of this page: Steps to Meaningful Word Study
This is a solid navy blue back grand with a green square. Inside the green square, it says the title of this page: Your Guide to Engaging Bible Study
This is a solid navy blue back grand with a green square. Inside the green square, it says the title of this page: Guide to Your Study Bible


Before you go, get
The Bible Translations Tookit
for FREE today!

Confidently make informed choices about the Bible translations you use.


Before you go, get the
Bible Translations Toolkit
FREE today!

Make confident and informed choices about your Bible translations.