How do I access the study now that I've signed up?
Save the study URL as a bookmark ( Patreon should remember you, so you won’t need to re-login every time, and that will get you to the main timeline page.
You can also use the Patreon mobile app – which is just like any other social media-type app for your phone or tablet. It’s a simplified way to get to that timeline on your phone/tablet formatted especially for mobile access. Search your app store for “Patreon” to download.
How do I find the next (or first) lesson? Where do I start?
The “New Members” tag as well as the “C1L1” tag (C1L1 = Course 1, Lesson 1) will always be at the top of the newsfeed. You’ll probably want to start with C1L1. Moving forward, most of your navigating will be done by entering the Course & Lesson number into the search box. You can also navigate via “Courses” that are grouped together for you on the page.
Also make sure to check out the “Lessons Listing” on the New Member tag for a document you can use as a checklist if you’d like.
When do new lessons come out?
At present, the study contains lessons through the Sermon on the Mount. (That’s Matthew 1-7). For the time being, new lessons production is on an indefinite pause while life’s surprises have necessarily demanded my time and attention elsewhere and while I work on a book project.
How often should I be doing lessons?
The answer is: whatever works for you!
You can just go at a comfortable pace and use the Lesson Listing (available via the “New Member” tag) as your guide.
Is there a forum for discussion?
Each lesson and item in Patreon’s feed allows for comments. You are more than invited to utilize that space for conversation, questions, discussion, etc. If you’d like more conversation with others in the study, my best advice is to go first!
Have another question? Patreon’s Help Pages should be your go to for any billing questions or other things related to the functionality of the lesson’s hub site.
Something else? Feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to answer any questions.