August 27

The Hebrew Word “Torah”


What “Torah” Really Means in the Bible

This video is part of a series about “the law” in the Bible, and today we’re taking a deeper look at the Hebrew word “Torah.” This word is often thought to simply mean “the law” in English. However, as you’ll see, there’s much more to this word.

In this word study video, you’ll learn about:

  • Basic definitions of the Hebrew word Torah.
  • Different ways in which this word is translated into English.
  • Different primary senses of the word.
  • Instances of this word throughout the Bible, and how they help us more fully grasp its nuanced meaning.

You’ll Learn to Understand “Torah” More Like Jesus Did

By growing your understanding of this word, you’ll be able to understand the Hebrew word “Torah” through a more Jewish lens. You’ll better understand what “Torah” meant to the Biblical writers and their contemporaries, including Jesus. 

How to Apply What You Learn

At the end, we’ll talk about how we can use this understanding to read ALL of the Bible better, letting it teach us something crucial about the relationship between God and His people that encompasses much more than a rulebook. 

The Big Ideas and Helpful Highlights of the Hebrew Word “Torah”

Definition and Translation of the Word

In the broadest (and perhaps most accurate) sense, “Torah” means instruction or learning.

The Hebrew word “Torah” is thought to be most frequently translated as “the law” in English translations. However, this varies widely based on translation.

Other common words used in English include: instruction, guidance, teaching, direction.

Different Senses of the Word

About 70% of the instances of the word “Torah” carry with them the general sense of “the law,” as in a collection of laws. Example: “Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.” Psalm 119:34 NRSV

About 20% of the instances convey a sense of a regulation or statute. Example: “Act precisely according to the instruction they give you and the ruling they announce to you. Don’t deviate even a bit from the word they announce.” Deuteronomy 17:11 CEB

Approximately 10% of the instances of “Torah” communicate the idea of general teaching in their usage. Example: “The lips of the priest should guard knowledge; everyone should seek Instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger from the Lord of heavenly forces.” Malachi 2:7 CEB

What “Torah” Really Means in the Bible

The Hebrew word Torah conveys an idea that underpins the very essence of the connection between God and His Hebrew people

The core concept is about how God cares for and directs His people. The following silly sentence helps show the breadth of the meaning of the Hebrew word “Torah.”

The body of laws (Torah) is the teaching (torah) for the people through its regulations (torah).

The distinction between these three “senses” of the word is less than modern English readers might assume or expect.

How This Helps You Read the Bible Better

When we look at the Hebrew word “torah” with more nuance, we can see a new aspect to God’s presence in our lives, His heart for us, and His relationship with us. His Law – his Torah – is so much more than a list of dos and don’ts.

How to Learn Even More as You Read

If you have enjoyed learning about the word torah, you will love my FREE guide: “11 Steps to Meaningful Word Study.” Sign up below to receive your FREE copy today!

Other Great Resources About the Word “Torah”:

A closer look at the word “Torah” from

An overview of the word “Torah” that includes some fascinating thoughts about the Hebrew characters in the word


Torah, Word Study

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