Contribution #5 (Anonymous)

This image is a simple solid maroon block

Love is Love

I had a Love is Love sticker on my phone case.

I had known for a while I was part of the LGBT community but no one at the church I was a part of would ever know that. They wouldn’t ever accept it.

The lead pastor sat next to me and asked me about the sticker. He said to me, “Are you saying the way a grown man would love a little girl is the same way I would love my wife?”

Obviously not. Obviously my Love is Love sticker does not mean I agree with being a pedophile.

I was 12.

After that I shut down. I had tried to fit into the church for 3 years before finally realizing if you are not in the certain group you will never be liked. They only want you when they need you for something. It wasn’t worth it.

If you were once a part of this community, and you’d like to become a contributor (or just learn more about doing so), please just contact Marina. She’ll be glad to share the parameters and help you to get started. This project’s initial contributions went live in March 2025, but is open to new contributions indefinitely. Like the others who have shared, you may be as anonymous as you’d like. We’d love to add your voice to the story we are collectively telling. 

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