Contribution #2 (Anonymous)

This image is a simple solid forest green block

I refuse to join the ranks of women whose stories go untold. But my story is ugly enough that the only way I can participate at the moment is with poetry. This is for the folks who limped out of that institution. We’ll hold each other up and carry on. 

 For those who were abused by others at the church, then expected to forget it while that party flourishes there, I see you. 

And for those of you witnessing the grief and testimony of all that has been for the first time, it’s not scary to empathetically listen. It’s not sinful to bear witness to pain and sorrow. Join us, you’re welcome here. 

The most notable skill I learned there was how to ignore my gut. 
Did you know how much it takes to master the skill? 
To calm that powerful hum? 
(she’s persistent) 
To ignore the fierce dissent to pain you see of those around you who dropped out of good graces? 
It is honing; turning your natural wisdom over to man. 
“Look the other way.”
“They must’ve done something. Surely. “ 
“Nothing has happened to us though.” 
Until one day, she protests just enough to let you know she’s still there. (Patiently waiting for you to trust her again) 
That’s when you regain your freedom. 
Your boisterous NO. 
And she shall never be quieted again. 
For a reclaimed gut is the most resilient and bold of them all.
When you Give a Narcissist a Church
If you give a narcissist a church, 
he’s gonna run amok. 
Once you give him the keys, 
he’ll then ask for your faithfulness. (how does one judge my faithfulness, you may ask?)
Then, he’s gonna ask for all your time. Years of it. 
And when he looks out into the congregation, 
he may notice that hearts grew tired. 
So, he will probably convince you that you’re no longer available. (don’t you know all of your time is owed to them?)
When he’s finished judging these folks, he’ll want to create an advisory board,
(to make sure he doesn’t have a PR problem).
he’ll round up his favored “disciples”
to help rule the masses.
But when he looks around, 
he might notice- there’s still dissent!
So, he will probably start cleaning. Sweeping. 
he’ll probably deem some unreachable,
while the donors are still teachable.
When he’s finished judging this round,
he’ll look around and realize… whoops! 
Too many are missing from chairs in this sanctuary-
he will need to recruit!
And when recruitment is finished, 
he’s gonna start again.
For when you give a narcissist a church, 
he’ll always come for more. 
On being an Offensive Woman in the Modern Evangelical Church 

They came in their hipster hats with their trendy babies. They planned parties to showcase they were relevant…all by the light of the neon sign glowing “saved, changed, on mission.”

The mission got blurry. The women, expectant. For my personality to dampen, for me to fawn at Marc Driscoll advice, to meet at parks for prayer over their bunches of kids midday.  

Don’t speak up. Don’t use your brain. If you behave, they’ll grace you with their presence. 

“Host folks, even with crumbs in the drawers” they’d preach. This wasn’t an invitation to live raw. Rather, an expectation to never say no. Host rain or shine; Host the people who cause you anguish behind closed doors…and don’t tell your authentic story- what gossip! 

“Don’t see your therapist; there’s no trauma.”

Didn’t you know Jesus is abundant in therapy rooms? Didn’t you know that he’s a balm to the wrecked? 

The women never showed up to see my crumbs. I didn’t pass the test. So I shoved myself into the drawer, smaller and smaller until I was the crumb. 

But it turns out, we don’t showcase the crumbs. We just needed a quip to crack the pretty veneer enough to look human. 

After leaving, I got bigger. I trusted my voice again. I found the people who looked like Jesus; the ones who lost their seat at the table. Instead of engaging people who spout cute quotes on hospitality, I found the ones who opened their drawers and had abundant collections of to-go sauce packets. The ones unapologetically collecting condiments were the ones who, just by looking, could tell when an old wound had ripped wide open.

Give me the displaced seat, the sad look based on assumptions of my faith, the condescending look at how we’re rebuilding brick by brick. 

Give me all of that and more. 

Because my leaving gave me the sauce packet drawers. It gave me quiet rooms full of brave people sharing their own stories. It gave me holy moments in the form of a daughter unencumbered, toddler Taylor Swift dance parties, and time to notice the flashes of joy in grief. Bring me the quiet moments of a life rebuilt.

“joy, oh joy, come roll away, these temporary tears”

Have you ever reached for a doorknob
of the friends you previously thought
you would “do life” with,
Only to panic-rehearse in your head
where the spoons are?
Which drawer will you open
when they casually ask you to grab one
in front of the rest of the folks who took your place? 
As if the trauma of what happened,
didn’t wipe out all sense you may have had 
of where the cutlery may be stashed?
I keep reaching for the doorknobs,
making a mental map of the kitchen,
buying myself a little more time
until they figure out-
I don’t belong here anymore.
The Acts of Rebuilding a Life: Bookshelf Edition
Shuffling the bookshelf,
avoiding the titles that rocked your heart
as you silently 
raged against the content- 
that wild heart, 
and nodded your head. 
Those dusty spines 
have no place 
Among the foraged branches
arranged into heirloom vases, 
The typeset trinkets 
next to the poems 
from wise, wise 
who raged 
in opposition 
to the quieting of hearts 
and the 
of spirit. 
Life After
There’s a life after, you know.
The one where they said you’d wither if you left. 
This one’s full of 
Hot hallelujahs, 
Technicolor moments, 
Brave steps, 
Unfettered dreaming. 
The life after isn’t the one you’ve spent your days constructing in your mind,  
This one’s Untouched. Untamed. Unsettled. 
Here’s to the Wild After, 
The path blazing.

If you were once a part of this community, and you’d like to become a contributor (or just learn more about doing so), please just contact Marina. She’ll be glad to share the parameters and help you to get started. This project’s initial contributions went live in March 2025, but is open to new contributions indefinitely. Like the others who have shared, you may be as anonymous as you’d like. We’d love to add your voice to the story we are collectively telling. 

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