Contribution #4 (A Woman)

This image is a simple solid pale blue block

Good and Dead

before the wall hit me


held up my hands

believed so hard

believed so long

so sweetly

so completely


and what’s this


this ragged thing






but the adolescent rush


a rushing ruse

a pantomime

just a flashmob

of fake forevers


with a shepherd

selling sheepskin

on the sly

i remember what it was like
i cannot forget


they told me 

I would

              “tear the church in half”

Oh thank you

Thank you

for telling me

                   I didn’t see

how much power

was in me

ezer kenegdo*

“your desire is for his position”

this, you said, was Truth


of course

you’d think

i’d want

your power


because the clamoring

and the chorus

was designed to be

constantly chasing



but i knew something better then

and i know it deeper now


i stand

as a mirror

because none can see


without another

to reflect

him back


you stood above and said i could

but only with permission


you said “go ‘head”

and that i should

with proper



so goodbye goodbye

roughshod goodbye

i guess 

that’s all that it could be


i was sad and sorry

to see it die


now i stand here



my desire was


for your position


i never wanted you


just like you

only wanted me

for what you hoped

i’d do


but now i’m breathing

now in liberty

forever disillusioned

fully faithful



a stretched skin

a mighty mess

much taller than before


let it burn

may the ashes rise

to lift others

off the floor

If you were once a part of this community, and you’d like to become a contributor (or just learn more about doing so), please just contact Marina. She’ll be glad to share the parameters and help you to get started. This project’s initial contributions went live in March 2025, but is open to new contributions indefinitely. Like the others who have shared, you may be as anonymous as you’d like. We’d love to add your voice to the story we are collectively telling. 

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