Illustration of an unhealthy church
The figure of The Spirit of Pride with a stone body (and heart) immovable, unchangeable, and impenetrable to emotions and feelings.
Pride is a stone character, unmoving and is over the church (between the legs negative shape is a steeple and cross).
Pride has DARVO inscribed on it’s chest. Deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender”. DARVO is a tactic used by a perpetrator to avoid accountability for their actions. As the acronym suggests, DARVO commonly involves these steps:
The perpetrator denies the harm or abuse ever took place.
When confronted with evidence, the perpetrator then attacks the person that they had harmed, or are still harming. The attacker may also attack the victim’s family and/or friends.
Finally, the perpetrator claims that they were or are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender.[1] It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.
- The snake represents The Spirit of Fear. Fear of losing the church, members, money, etc.- it blinds the pastors and board members.
- The pastors are self focused, unable to empathize, or admit any wrong doing, rather deflecting and challenging. They are supported by Pride, literally standing on his feet like children.
The steps represent unfair judgement that’s biased, and tainted with group-think. Inscribed on the steps “Love to all who enter until they see.”
- Narcissism is behind it all.
[1] Freyd, Jennifer J. (February 1997). “II. Violations of Power, Adaptive Blindness and Betrayal Trauma Theory